Female Founders and Investment Capital: Addressing the Disparity with Jo Eckersley, Founder of Bubbl

By Ed Steer

CEO and Founder at Sphere Digital Recruitment

Female-founded teams perform 63% better than male-founded teams and generate 35% higher return on investment for VC investors. Despite these impressive numbers, female founders only receive 2% of the investment capital available from Angels and VCs, making the need for more support and investment in women-led businesses crucial...

Our latest episode of the Life in Digital Podcast is a must-listen for anyone interested in the challenges that female entrepreneurs still face in today's world. We sit down with Jo Eckersley, the founder of Bubbl Tech, a mobile marketing technology company, to discuss her journey and the struggles of female founders. 

We also delve into the role of mentorship and networking in supporting female entrepreneurs, stressing the importance of honest conversations about mental health challenges and the need for successful female founders to mentor others coming up through the ranks. Don't miss this inspiring episode as we celebrate International Women's Day on March 8th.

Jo's profile: www.linkedin.com/in/joeckersley

Bubl: https://bubbl.tech/

Sphere Digital, are specialists in placing marketing, sales, analytics, product & creative talent globally

Catch up on all previous episodes via our new website! https://www.spheredigitalrecruitment.com/category-page/life-in-digital-podcast/


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