A - Z of Kingsway

5 mins

Kingsway, it’s provided a lot of love, laughter and successes in so many ways.  When I ...

By Amy Halls

Senior Marketing & Talent Manager

Kingsway, it’s provided a lot of love, laughter and successes in so many ways.  When I joined 4.5 years ago, Sphere were circa 25 heads… we’re now a team of 65 people! 

We’ve had some exceptional highlights, but here’s my...

A-Z of my Kingsway highlights...

letter A  

Appreciation Day
What started off as a wellness week in 2018, quickly turned into once a month, getting together to do something special as a team – paws in work, cocktail night, massages in the office (to name a few)!

letter B

Births and Marriages
Two of my good friends met at Sphere’s Kingsway office and are getting married next year. In the time I’ve been at Sphere, we’ve welcomed Clementine, Fleur, Rafael and Chloe. I’ve seen 3 weddings, mine included - huge life events! 

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Contract Launching
I joined Sphere to launch their contract division and two years later we were the team of the year. We take huge pride in servicing our customers- our talented freelancers, and our clients looking to hire.

letter d

Right next door to our offices on Kingsway and frequented often by our team! The scene for Breakfast Club, little bites with your colleagues, coffees with exceptionally talented candidates. 

I love the Delaunay and will miss not having this buzzy hub on our doorstep.

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Hands down the best person I’ve ever worked for. 
The complete boss: a leader, a motivator, a friend.  
Kingsway is where we met and I will forever be grateful for the introduction.

letter f

Friday Finish
An early finish and beer fridge... the anticipation building on the office floor from about 2pm!

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Just seeing the business grow by 40 heads in Kingsway has been phenomenal to watch and experience.

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House Purchases
We’ve seen 17 members of staff purchase new homes whilst we’ve been in our Kingsway home, what a phenomenal achievement

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Our annual Top Billers trip (last year to Ibiza!) was launched out of Kingsway.  It is an incredible event, which was missed this year, but we will be back!

letter j

Jenko On The Phone
14 years in recruitment, the master, and a recruitment matriarch. Jenks (Nicola) embodies the passion we have, and really demonstrates the buzz we have in the Kingsway office.

letter k

From the day I joined Sphere in Kingsway, it always felt like home.  Somewhere I belonged, where my individuality was embraced. 

Whilst our Kingsway home will always be in my heart, I can’t wait to experience the snazziness of our new pad.

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Lunch Club
Our quarterly top performers' lunch clubs is always a highlight for me – incredible restaurants and brilliant stories!

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In my first year and Sphere, we won 5 MARA awards, including Best Agency. I already felt so good about joining Sphere but it was great to get the industry recognition in my first year.

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My work husband. An inspiration, in life and in the office, a top guy and the perfect companion for a cheeky post-work bottle of Sandbox.

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I’ve loved seeing the business grow! Contract, International, Product Marketing, new managers, promotions, the opportunities created in our Kingsway home have been incredible.

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Our work local, and a place to unwind.  Impossible to “just come for one” and often the scene of all sorts of antics!

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Quiz Nights
Run by Jenko’s husband Lee – not sue Lee knew what he was letting himself in for being quizmaster to 65 competitive recruiters, but these nights are always such fun!  They’ve been especially good through Lockdown.

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The joy of finding the perfect person their perfect job. At Sphere, there have been so many recruitment highlights; the Sphere gang genuinely care about exceptional service.

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Summer Party Days
Incredible events, great people!

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Christmas Day 2016, Ed driving from Brighton to London because he was sure he’d left the Kingsway Christmas tree lights on and was worried the office would burn down over the holidays! Setting off at 4am, only to find out... He hadn’t!

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Every single person at Sphere brings something brilliant and unique to the table. I love them all.

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Vulture Table
Launched out of our Kingsway home... every Friday, all the sweets and savoury snacks you can eat. Nothing beats a scotch egg on a hangover.

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Wheel Of Fortune
The introduction of the prize wheel in the office, and laughs when someone got the boobie prize.

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As to what comes next, our new home, new opportunities, watching the business grow more

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Kingsway’s Groundfloor custodian. Yog has welcomed me into the building every day since starting, he brings a smile to my face and will be missed!

letter z

Introducing flexible hours for those who needed that extra shut-eye in the morning 


Rebecca Hudson-Dowdeswell
Senior Business Manager
Sphere Digital Recruitment 2024
Site by Venn