Back from Maternity Leave

5 mins

Since welcoming her little boy Reuben into the world, Bex (our Senior Business Manager) ...

By Bex Hudson-Dowdeswell

Senior Business Manager

Since welcoming her little boy Reuben into the world, Bex (our Senior Business Manager) is back and ready to storm the contract recruitment world!

"I’M BACK! After a year of maternity leave (doing quite possibly the hardest job in the world) I have returned to Sphere and the world of recruiting the best talent London has to offer.

Image of Bex with new baby

"It’s a really strange emotional dynamic… I’m absolutely loving my 'Bex time' and engaging my work brain, but have already found myself flicking between feeling so happy to be back only to then be missing my boy, and riddled with mum guilt.

"Do you ever get over the separation?

"I also feel like it’s my first day at school, starting again almost, but then am also reminded that with every phone call with a familiar voice, every email exchange with my clients and contractors, every chat with my brilliant colleagues, that actually, nothing has changed!

"But, I'm ready to jump straight back in...!

"If you are looking for Project Managers, Creative, Content & Copy, Data or Social talent, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I will be more than happy to have a chat with you and see how I can assist you in your talent search.

"Alternatively, my team can support you with hires across the digital sector, including performance and digital marketing.

"AND... if there’s any working parents out there with tips, please send them my way too!"

We're so pleased to have Bex back, she is a huge asset to the team, incredible at her job and an all round lovely person! 

Never worked with her before? Here's just a few reasons you should reach out today...

Quote from Senior PM for Bex Hudson

Bex Hudson-Dowdeswell

Senior Business Manager- Contract – Social, Data & Delivery

0203 763 9752 | 07801 557 582  

20 Red Lion Street, London, WC1R 4PQ

Sphere Digital Recruitment 2024
Site by Venn