Graduate to Recruitment Consultant

5 mins

Hiring graduates is part of Sphere’s DNA and we pride ourselves on the success of the g...

By Amy Halls

Senior Marketing & Talent Manager

Hiring graduates is part of Sphere’s DNA and we pride ourselves on the success of the graduates who join us. We offer a bespoke training plan and a supportive, ambitious environment.

Amy Wright sat down with 2 of our most recent graduates who joined us in September 2019, Ryan Stewart and Vanessa Wolf, to find out how they’re finding life in recruitment after 6 months.


graduation photo of man smiling with glass of champagne

Ryan specialises in hiring sales candidates into media owners and Ad Tech industries.

"I didn’t have any idea about the industry before I joined but a few weeks into starting, I picked it up."


female smiling and female graduate laughing into camera

Vanessa specialises in placing Performance and Digital Marketing candidates into Berlin (SEA, PPC, SEO, Content).

The interview process:

Ryan: The process was very simple.

  • I applied to a job ad that I found on LinkedIn in July and Amy emailed me to arrange a call
  • 30 minutes telephone interview with Amy
  • Face-to-face interview with Amy, Ed Steer (Founder & CEO) and two Senior Managers. After the interview, I was given a tour of the office
  • Offered the job, which I accepted, and joined a month later!

Vanessa: My interviews fitted around my hand-ins and exams.

  • I was contacted by Ed through LinkedIn in February
  • 30 minutes telephone interview with Amy
  • Face-to-face interview with Amy and a Senior Manager

[break for exams and dissertation hand-in!]

  • 2nd Face to Face with Ed, Jamie, some of the Senior Management and Senior Consultants 
  • Final with Niall (Co-Founder) and my now manager, Evie!
  • Offered and accepted!

graduates posing for first day photo in front of book shelf

What to expect in your first three months?

Ryan: Loads of training! Even towards the end of the third month we we’re still having regular training as a peer group and you’re encouraged to ask for training when you feel like you need a refresher

  • Industry training
  • Finding out what candidates to be looking out for
  • How to identify what a great candidate looks like

Working closely with your manager – I could ask him (Will) anything.

You'll definitely spend time out of the office with people from Sphere and there’s always something on. In my first three months, I went on a golf team night out, a boat party on the Thames and I’ve had breakfast out with the team.

There are always incentives running at Sphere, where you can win lunches, vouchers and team night outs. Even as a new grad, there were prizes you could win.

fancy dress in the office with spice girls

What to expect in your first 6 months?

Vanessa: You will build a network of people you know and who know you

  • You have a solid understanding of your market
  • Cold calling becomes a skill; everything from research to talking to people

For me, the most important training has been ‘taking the job brief’ and ‘winning new business’ which we did with Jamie, my manager and with Ed.

The Training:

Ryan: Jamie does everything!

We were taught the full recruitment process over the first 2 months (and refresher training after that); everything from how to make an initial call with candidates, how to manage clients and candidates, through to Business Development.

There’s a mixture of classroom-based and at the desk training, though you can ask for help whenever you need it.

I’ve enjoyed training with a peer group! There were 5 of us who joined on the same day and then Derick and Tash joined the week after us. There were 7 of us in training so you make friends instantly!

graduates in training on laptops

Vanessa: Training was very different from what I expected. I thought there would be tests and it would be more like a classroom setting. I had been to other interviews where that style was described but at Sphere, it’s much more interactive. It’s a safe space and there’s no silly question you can ask.

The layout of each session is clear. To begin with, you think, “why am I learning this now” and then 3 weeks later you’re using that training and it all makes sense. It’s a natural process.

The other grads and I love training - we love Jamie so much! I look forward to training.

How have you found your time so far at Sphere Digital?

Ryan: I’ve really enjoyed it and it’s gone better than I expected!

As a company, Sphere is really friendly; we catch up with Ed regularly – he’ so relaxed and everyone wants each other to do well.

I was the first in our graduate group to make a placement, in my 5th week! It was wicked.

I was nervous when the offer came in and had to rely on my manger Will to help me to support me the whole time and he encouraged me to manage the offer autonomously.

That’s amazing! What do you think helped you accomplish that success so quickly?

Asking questions and not being afraid to make mistakes. I’m quite critical of myself but you learn quicker by making mistakes and bouncing back from them.

How have you found your time so far at Sphere Digital, Vanessa?

Vanessa: I love it! It’s weird seeing how far I’ve come… even the technical stuff you learn on our database. It’s all coming together!

I’m working on a role now with Evie and I can see from the notes I was making in September, when I joined, they were so basic – I’ve come a long way.

I have now placed 2 candidates into new roles and if I make 2 more deals, I’ll be promoted!

What has been your biggest highlight since joining 6 months ago? 

Vanessa: Making my placements. It’s the best feeling ever. Your achievements are celebrated here, and everyone is so supportive.

It didn’t come easily. I had 8 people at prospect stage which didn’t work out. I tried not to take it personally as I want to be a positive person and not let it get me down.

My other highlight has just been meeting everyone and getting on so well with the other grads and my time, especially as when I came to London, I only knew one other person!

Any advice you can offer to any graduates joining Sphere?

Ryan: Ask questions whenever you’re not sure about anything! If I had kept things to myself, I wouldn’t be as confident as I am now.

I was nervous at first when picking up the phone but humanise it, treat it like a conversation. It can be really daunting but at the end of the day, they need us as well.

What are you both looking forward to in your first full year of recruitment?

Ryan: Filling roles and feeling more confident doing business development. I’ve sat down with Will to set targets for the year which includes getting promoted! 

Vanessa: Being promoted and seeing where I’ll be at the end of the year!

two graduates smiling at screen

If you're interested in a role in recruitment get in touch with our talent manager, Amy today -

Sphere Digital Recruitment 2024
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