Our 2020 Charity Partner Roald Dahls Marvellous Childrens Charity

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2020...It's been has been a difficult year for us all as, many of us have learned what ...

By Amy Halls

Senior Marketing & Talent Manager


It's been has been a difficult year for us all as, many of us have learned what it is like to feel lonely, anxious and cut off from the world. At Sphere, we wanted to end this year by offering our support to the families who experience these feelings every day and will need support long after the pandemic ends.

This Christmas, we have forgone the usual Christmas party for a virtual one, the annual wine and Christmas card drop-offs to our clients and instead, we have donated that budget to our charity partner Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity.

Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity provides specialist nurses and support to seriously ill children and their families. They support children like Carter and his parents:

Carter in hospital with his nurse

"If we didn’t have our Roald Dahl Specialist Nurse, Tina, I would feel really isolated and alone as a mum. Prior to us having a Roald Dahl Nurse, I felt overwhelmed and completely anxious about the future. I worried constantly and struggled to manage appointments while holding down a full-time job. I literally felt at times that I had no one to turn to and it was just myself, Carter and Chris against the world."

These families are living with the fear, worry and emotional rollercoaster that comes with having a child with a complex, lifelong illness.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, many of the 21,000 families the charity supports have become increasingly isolated. Many of the children have had to shield due to weakened immune systems, unable to get support from extended family members. Children have missed school, have had operations and treatments postponed, and many families are also facing financial worries. The charity’s network of 79 Roald Dahl Specialist Nurses have been there for these families throughout, in person, on the phone, video call and text. For many of the families the charity supports, their Roald Dahl Specialist Nurse has been the only person to turn to.

Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity currently supports over 21,000 children but it is documented that there are over 100,000 children with complex, lifelong illnesses in the UK. It is the charity’s ambition to provide specialist nurses and support for every one of them.

Sphere are supporting Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity this Christmas as we believe every seriously ill child deserves a Roald Dahl Specialist Nurse.

To find out more about the charity or make a donation yourself please visit: https://www.roalddahl.com/charity/donate - any support is greatly needed and appreciated.


Here's to a brighter 2021! 

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