Salary and Benefits Survey snapshot - Customer Success
13 Sept, 20195 minsIn 2019 we released our annual Salary & Benefits Survey, a comprehensive report which ai...

In 2019 we released our annual Salary & Benefits Survey, a comprehensive report which aims to provide the reader with a clear guide to salaries on offer in their specialism across the media, marketing, tech and creative sectors.
Additionally, our report provides insight into the benefits digital professionals receive, the challenges they face, the reasons why they leave their jobs and more in the hope of helping both employees and employers to better understand what’s happening in their market.
Here’s a snapshot of the findings for Customer Success professionals from the report, and for salaries you can download the full report here...
Salary & bonus
Given the customer-centric and sales driven nature of Customer Success roles it’s perhaps unsurprising that bonus receipt was high, with 65% receiving additional remuneration.
Salary satisfaction was high amongst Customer Success respondents with 45% stating they were either ‘Satisfied’ (36%) or ‘Very Satisfied’ (9%).
Interestingly, of all the areas covered in the report, those working in Customer Success roles were the only ones to consider company culture the most important factor when weighing up a job offer, more important than the salary and bonus on offer.
Health insurance (54%), flexible working (42%) and life insurance (34%) were the most common benefits received.
Flexible working was the most desired benefits amongst the respondents with 58% keen to have more flexibility in their working weeks.
Almost a quarter (24%) of Customer Success professionals desired unlimited annual leave, the joint highest of any group surveyed.
Reasons to leave their role?
Over two-thirds of Customer Success professionals said they were considering leaving their role within the next 12 months.
Better pay was cited as the main reason to leave (26%), followed by improved progression opportunities and a new challenge (both 17%).
A better company culture and improved benefits (both 12%) were also common reasons why those working in a Customer Success role might choose to leave their role.
Job search
Given the relationship nature of a role in Customer Success, tapping into personal networks (20%) proved to be an effective way of finding a new role.
49% found their last role via a recruiter or headhunter.
Want to see more snapshots from the Salary & Benefits Survey? Click the links to see the results from the other specialisms surveyed:
Salary & Benefits Survey snapshot – Ad Ops & Programmatic
Salary & Benefits Survey snapshot - Data & Analytics
Salary & Benefits Survey snapshot - Marketing
Salary & Benefits Survey snapshot – Planning & Buying
Salary & Benefits Survey snapshot – Tech & Media Sales