When is it time for a career change?
19 Jun, 20205 minsWe know that the world has changed rapidly in recent months and the impact on most indu...

We know that the world has changed rapidly in recent months and the impact on most industries has been significant. As such, many careers are having to pivot in order to have any kind of longevity in the current climate.
The pandemic has thrown millions of jobs into redundancies and competition is high for open roles. It begs the question, is now the time to consider a career change?
How can I take advantage of the disruption to my industry?
It could be that you're on furlough or have had to change your responsibilities at work, but one of the primary reasons people don’t pursue a job switch is because we tend to dislike change, and more specifically, the discomfort and ambiguity that comes with change (even positive ones).
If change is already upon you, it may be the time to sit in that discomfort and discover the direction you want to take.
When will you have the time again?
The reality for many people, particularly those on furlough (currently, the UK furlough scheme covers 8.4 million workers), is you have time right now (something most of us didn't have before the pandemic).
While this doesn’t apply to everyone, if it applies to you, take this time as an opportunity to find out what you want: Learn new skills, take online courses, start a degree or begin a company - whatever it is that's going to add value to your life and career!
Adapt, and thrive, under the 'new normal'
It shouldn't matter what career path you've been on, adapting to what is currently happening is the most important skill in your arsenal.
Whilst no one sets out for adversity, often, this is the time where we learn the most about ourselves - it can be a time to grow.
If not now, when?
Change is hard, there's no disputing that, but ignoring the impact the pandemic is having on your career can keep you tied to something that isn't evolving.
As the world learns to adapt to a 'new normal', we should start by acknowledging what we really want to do in our careers and then go for it!
If not now, when?
If you're thinking about a career change and are considering a role in the digital market, then get in touch.
If you're ready to start learning new skills, have a read of our recent blog post on the Best Free Online Resources To Upskill in the Digital Sector.