Attention Economy Explained with Mike Follett, MD of Lumen Research

By Dan Bolter

VP, North America at Sphere Digital Recruitment

As attention metrics revolutionize the advertising landscape, industry professionals must adapt their strategies to effectively capture and measure ad success. With ad performance relying more on the attention garnered than mere impressions, it's time to explore the power of attention in the digital advertising world.

We're back with a thought-provoking episode of our Life in Digital Podcast: The US Edition, Dan Bolter is joined by Mike Follett, MD of Lumen, a leading attention technology company, to discuss the future of digital advertising and the significance of harnessing attention metrics for optimized ad campaigns in a cluttered online environment.

“It’s essential to shift our focus from counting impressions to truly capturing attention.”

The US Edition is hosted each month by Sphere's VP, North America, Dan Bolter.

Sphere Digital, are specialists in placing marketing, sales, analytics, product & creative talent globally

Catch up on all previous episodes via our new website!

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