Trailer - Growing remotely with Picnic

“The pandemic forced Picnic to introduce a procedure and processes which we didn’t have before, and we’ve essentially built the company culture as a...

By Amy Halls

Senior Marketing & Talent Manager

“The pandemic forced Picnic to introduce a procedure and processes which we didn’t have before, and we’ve essentially built the company culture as a distributed workforce - maybe 30% of the team I haven’t met in person.”

Thinking about the first few weeks for a remote new starter has become more important than before, something we touched on in 'Creating Exceptional Onboarding Experiences' on the podcast. Things like having a buddy system, virtual meet the teams, check-ins and support that extend beyond just the first week has proven useful in embedding cultures and company values into new starters.

Listen to how Picnic navigated growing with a remote workforce via our Life in Digital Podcast platform. 

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