Inclusive Leadership with Naren Patel, Founder of Media For All
25 January, 2023

Production and editing by Rich Power"And just like that… Sphere turns ten….On the 1st of October 2012, Niall Phelan and I bounded through the doors ...
Production and editing by Rich Power
"And just like that… Sphere turns ten….
On the 1st of October 2012, Niall Phelan and I bounded through the doors at ten Fitzroy Square to embark on the most remarkable journey.
We were well set and raring to go and with the backing and support of Laurence Smith we felt like we had the perfect “start-up” team in place…
Ten Years later Sphere have just been voted the Best Company to work for in London and in the UK and I spent last week in our office in Manhattan.
It’s been the most sensational journey and, as I reflect upon it, I am overwhelmed with the memories and gratitude that I have for everyone at Sphere and for our customers and our partners who have all played such important parts in our journey so far.
We set out to “be the best” and we had high expectations of ourselves. I believe that we are living up to these yet we very much know and believe that to keep growing and to keep moving forward, in a positive way, it’s the values that served us so well on day one that will continue to define our future.
And to all of our remarkable team at Sphere: Thank you all. This all comes from you and there is no better example of teamwork than spending a day at our office in London or New York and being with you all.
And the very best part of this is that we get to keep moving forward together. I am not exactly sure where Sphere will be in ten years’ time yet, with the capability in the room, and with ten more years of time and experience…. I do know that we will be significantly bigger and better than we can most likely conceive in our minds today…" - Ed Steer, CEO and Founder
#tenyearsofsphere #teamsphere